SSO Configuration with Auth0

Auth0 is a flexible, drop-in solution to add authentication and authorization services to your applications. ****Your team and organization can avoid the cost, time, and risk that come with building your own solution to authenticate and authorize users. You can follow this guide to configure your Auth0 app to connect with Jumpshare.

Step 1: Create SAML Application

In your Auth0 Dashboard, select Applications > Applications from the sidebar. Then select "Create Application".

Enter an "Application Name" that describes Jumpshare, select the "Regular Web Applications" type, then click "Create".

Select the "Addons" tab in your new application, and then open the SAML2 WEB APP by clicking on it.

Copy the ACS url from the setup wizard screen

Paste the ACS URL provided above in the "Application Callback URL" input box.

Scroll down to the bottom of the AddOn modal and select "Enable".

Step 2: Upload Identity Provider Metadata

The final step for implementing SAML SSO requires sharing your identity provider's metadata with the application.

URL Metadata Configuration

On the application's Settings page, scroll down to the bottom and expand the "Advanced Settings" section. Select the "Endpoints" tab and copy the SAML Metadata URL and paste it in the setup wizard and click continue.

If all the steps are followed correctly, this will complete the SSO configuration. and you will see the following screen.

Click on Test Single Sign-on button to make sure everything works well. In some cases some mandatory attributes like name or email may not map with the information received from identity provider. In such case, you can map them manually to make the integration work seamlessly.