SSO Configuration with Okta

Okta is one of the popular identity providers which is a customizable, secure, and drop-in solution to add authentication and authorization services to your applications. You can follow this guide to configure your Okta app to connect with Jumpshare.

Step 1: Create SAML Integration

In your Okta Admin Panel, go to "Applications" in the sidebar.

Click "Create App Integration".

Select "Create New App", then select "SAML 2.0" as a Sign on method, then click "Next".

Enter an App name that describes Jumpshare, then click "Next".

From the setup wizard, copy “Single sign on URL” and “Audience URI”

And paste them in Okta SAML Configuration screen

Step 2: Configure Attribute Statements

Continue scrolling to the Attribute Statements configuration section.

And fill in the following Attribute Statements and click "Next":

Step 3: Submit Application Feedback

Select "I'm an Okta customer adding an internal app" from the options menu and click Finish.

Step 4: Add Users to SAML App

In order to test out SSO authentication, you will first need to assign your Okta SAML app to Groups or People.

Click on the "Assignments" tab of the app and then select "Assign to Groups". Find the Group(s) that you would like to assign to the app and click "Assign" next to it. Click "Done" when you're finished.

Step 5: Upload Identity Provider Metadata

The final step for implementing SAML SSO requires sharing your identity provider's metadata with the application.

URL Metadata Configuration

  1. Click on the "Sign On" tab of the SAML app you just created.
  2. Click the "Actions" dropdown for the correct certificate and select “View IdP Metadata."
  3. A separate tab will open. Copy the link and paste it in setup wizard.

If all the steps are followed correctly, this will complete the SSO configuration. and you will see the following screen

Click on Test Single Sign-on button to make sure everything works well. In some cases some mandatory attributes like name or email may not map with the information received from identity provider. In such case, you can map them manually to make the integration work seamlessly.