How do Automatic Title, Summary, and Chapters for videos work?

As part of our Jumpshare Plus (with Advanced Video Pack), Business, and Enterprise plans, we offer three AI-powered features to enhance video engagement and sharing - Automatic Title, Automatic Summary, and Automatic Chapters. Here's how these features work.

📌 All three features are enabled by default for videos that are under 90 minutes in length and contain 120 or more spoken words.

Automatic Title

The first in this series, Automatic Title, automatically generates a more descriptive title for your screen recordings based on the words spoken within them.

You may still edit an automatically generated title from within our online file viewer or your Jumpshare library.

Automatic Summary

Automatic Summary, as the name implies, automatically generates a brief textual summary or description for each new video based on its transcript.

This summary can be viewed by scrolling down below the video player within our online file viewer or clicking on the Summary icon at the bottom of the video player. Summaries can be edited.

Automatic Chapters

With Automatic Chapters, each new video's timeline is automatically divided into contextual chapters to make it easier for viewers to skim through the video and quickly find content that interests them.

Viewers can hover over the video player's seek bar or scroll down below the video player to view and switch between these chapters. Chapters can be edited.

How do I disable one or all of these features?

All three features are enabled by default. You may disable them individually by doing the following.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Workspace > Customize on our web dashboard.
  2. Scroll down to find the feature you'd like to turn off, then select the Disable option under it.
  3. Hit the Update button below it.

📌 Note that disabling Automatic Summary or Automatic Chapters will remove the Summary and Chapters blocks below the video player.

Why am I not seeing an automatic title, summary, or list of chapters on certain videos?

The videos may be too short. These features only work for videos containing 120 or more spoken words. If the videos in question are new uploads or have just been trimmed, you may have to wait a few minutes, depending on their length and the load on our servers, before you're able to see the features in effect.

How long does it take to generate a title, summary, or list of chapters for a new video?

As with captions and transcription, this depends on the length of each video and the load on our servers. If you don't see one or more of these features in effect for a new video, try refreshing the file viewer or replaying the video from your Jumpshare library after a few minutes.

How do I edit a video summary?

You may edit an automatically generated summary or add your own by following these simple steps.

  1. Open a video from your Jumpshare library.
  2. Scroll down below the video player or hit the Summary icon at the bottom of the video player.
  3. Click on the text field below Summary to begin editing.
  4. Click the Save button to confirm your changes.

How do I edit, add, or delete video chapters?

Learn how to edit video chapters in our Help Center guide here.