How to schedule share a video or a file?

Create now, share later! All about schedule sharing.

Jumpshare Plus and Business users can delay the sharing of a video or a file by scheduling it for a later time.

Here is how you can do it:

  1. Just Click on the Share button for the file/folder that you want to schedule share.
  2. Once the Share box opens, click on the Schedule button at the bottom left.
  3. This will open a calendar for you to select a date and time for the scheduled delivery.

 📌 You can also disable downloads and set link expiry for the files you share via the Share box. 

What time zone are the schedules set and shared in?

All shares that you schedule are set in your own time zone. You can change the time zone by going to Settings page and selecting the ‘Time Zone’ option from the left sidebar. Jumpshare normally sets the time zone based on your current location but you can set it manually as well.