How can I invite and pay for all team members at once for easier invoicing?

Once you've decided to adopt Jumpshare across your team, the next step is to invite your team members to your Workspace. Whenever a team member accepts your invitation to join the Workspace, your card on file will be charged for each member joining your Workspace.

If your team has hundreds of members, this means hundreds of charges and invoices. This can cause problems with your card provider, usually your bank. Multiple charges against the same card in a short timeframe can be flagged as suspicious behavior by your bank and your card may be blocked. The hundreds of invoices generated may also create an accounting headache.

To avoid these issues, head to the Billing page in Workspace Settings and scroll down to the Workspace Seats section. From here, click Change and add the number of seats depending on how many members you have in your team, then click Update.

This will generate a single combined charge and invoice, simplifying the process. Afterward, you won't be charged or receive invoices for team members joining your Workspace, as long as they don't exceed the number of seats you've purchased.