How to use the Custom Domain

Custom Domain lets you share files using your own personal URL, e.g., or It’s a great way to personalize sharing and promote your brand, resulting in a better experience. Custom branding is available for  Jumpshare Premium Plans only.

How to set up a custom domain

  1. The first step is to buy a domain name from a domain registrar.
  2. You will then need to point the domain to our servers following the instructions provided by the registrar.
  3. Your registrar will likely have a section on their help page that addresses this procedure.
📌 There are two types of domains you can set up; an apex domain and a subdomain.

Method 1: Set up a subdomain

To set up a subdomain, e.g.,, create a new CNAME record where the subdomain name is “files” and point it to the value ““.

Method 2: Set up an apex domain

To set up an apex domain like **, simply point the A record to the following IP address “****“.

The A record maps the domain name to an IP address. You may need to wait for up to 72 hours for the changes to your A record to take effect.

We recommend that you use Method 1. Using an apex domain, like is not recommended, because if our IP address were to change you will have to manually update your DNS records. Using a subdomain with a CNAME record means that we can make this change for you, thus ensuring that your links never break.

📌 If you’re setting up your DNS Record on any CDN provider such as Cloudflare or any other, make sure the Proxy Status is set as DNS Only.

On the web app

  1. Once you’ve correctly configured your domain to point towards our servers, login to your Jumpshare account.
  2. Visit Settings, and click on Workspace.
  3. Head to the Customize tab and scroll down to the Custom Domain section.
  4. Type your custom domain depending on what you’ve set up (e.g. or
  5. Click Update. If everything is set up properly, you will be able to share files using your own custom domain. 

📌 To remove a custom domain, simply remove it from the Custom Domain field in the Workspace Settings and Update.

Enabling HTTPS on your custom domain

After you’ve successfully set up your custom domain using any one of the two methods above and the DNS propagation has completed, the next step is to enable HTTPS.

  1. Under the Customize tab in Workspace Settings, find the Secure Links section.
  2. Check the box under Secure Links and click on Update.

📌 It will take up to 2 minutes for the SSL/TLS certificate to apply to your custom domain. During this time, if you copy a link, it will copy as HTTP, however, once the certificate has been applied, then it will copy as HTTPS.

Once all of this is done, your custom domain is good to go.